Home Again



レッツスピーク(4th Tue)は11/12日の再放送。”We still have time/まだ時間はある”の review。

With Christmas right around the corner, department stores are crowded. ←「状況的理由」を表すwith

We need to stay focused on the turkey first.

You sure talk a good game. :あなたって本当に口が上手いんだから。

That does it. :もうたくさんだ。

Have I ever actually cooked a meal? I usually don't cook.

We'll do it all from scrach.

I'm sure it must be straightfoward.

○リスニング入門(5th Wed-Thu)はオスカー・ワイルド”The Happy Prince”のリスニング第五回(最終回)。

Dear me! :こりゃなんだ!

How shabby indeed! :なんとみすぼらしことだ!

He is little better than a beggar! :物乞いと変わらない!

town councillor=市会議員,issue a proclamation=布告を出す,Corporation=市町村,overseer=主任,dustheap=ゴミの山